Last version:
FLUKA 2024.1.0, April 30th 2024
(last respin 2024.1.0)
flair-2.3-0e 06-May-2024


-- New Fluka Major Release
( 06.05.2024 )

FLUKA 2024.1.0 is available.
Flair-2.3-0epy3 adapted

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defines the extra weighting applied to yields scored via the USRYIELD option, energy and star densities obtained via USRBIN, energy deposition and star production obtained via EVENTBIN, production of residual nuclei obtained via RESNUCLEi, currents calculated by means of USRBDX, and fluences calculated by means of USRBDX, USRTRACK, USRCOLL and USRBIN.

     WHAT(1), WHAT(2): not used

     WHAT(3) > 0.0: yields obtained via USRYIELD and fluences
                    or currents calculated with USRBDX, USRTRACK, USRCOLL,
                    USRBIN are multiplied by a user-supplied function FLUSCW
                    at scoring time.
             1.0 =< WHAT(3) =< 2.0: FLUSCW is called before any check on the
                    current detector (see Note 5)
             > 2.0: FLUSCW is called only after checking that the current
                    detector applies (see Note 5)
             = 2.0 or 4.0: The routine FLDSCP is also called, applying a shift
                    to the current binned track
             < 0.0: resets the default: no weighting
             = 0.0: ignored
             Default = -1.0 (no weighting)

     WHAT(4) : not used

     WHAT(5) > 0.0:  the USRRNC user subroutine is called every time a
                    residual nucleus is generated

     WHAT(6) > 0.0: energy and star densities obtained via
               SCORE and USRBIN, as well as energy deposition and star
               production obtained via EVENTBIN are multiplied by a
               user-supplied function COMSCW at scoring time.
             1.0 =< WHAT(6) =< 2.0: COMSCW is called before any check on the
               current detector (see Note 5)
             > 2.0: COMSCW is called only after checking that the current
               detector applies (see Note 5)
             = 2.0 or 4.0: The routine ENDSCP is also called, applying a shift
               to the current binned energy loss
             < 0.0: resets the default: no weighting
             = 0.0: ignored
             Default = -1.0 (no weighting)

     SDUM : not used

     Default (option USERWEIG not given): no extra weighting is applied
             to any scored quantity


  • 1) These weights are really extra i.e. the results are multiplied by these weights at scoring time, but printed titles, headings and normalisations are not necessarily valid. It is the user's responsibility to interpret correctly the output. Actually, it is recommended to insert into standard output a user-written notice informing about the extra weighting.

  • 2) Setting the incident particle weight to a value different from 1.0 (in the BEAM card) will not affect the results, since the latter are always normalised to unit primary weight.

  • 3) Note that USRBIN can be used to calculate star or energy density, and in this case function COMSCW has to be used. But when using USRBIN to calculate tracklength fluences, the function to be used is FLUSCW.

  • 4) Note that functions FLUSCW, COMSCW can contain user-written logic to tune the multiplication factor (which can have even a value = 0 or 1!) according to position in space, direction, energy, material, type of particle, time, binning number etc. This allows to score only under certain conditions, or in any case to extend considerably the capability of the code. Similar possibilities exist for the offset provided by routines FLDSCP and ENDSCP.

  • 5) For some applications, a call to the user routines FLUSCW or COMSCW is desired independently of whether the current detector applies. But in general this is not the case and it is convenient to check first that a score actually is taking place, saving a large number of function calls. Different values of WHAT(3) and WHAT(6) allow the user to choose one of the two possibilities.

  • 6) User-written functions FLUSCW, COMSCW, FLDSCP, ENDSCP and USRRNC are described in (13).


 USERWEIG          0.        0.        0.        0.        0.       1.
 *  Dose and star densities will be multiplied by a value returned by
 *  function COMSCW according to the logic written by the user.
 *  No check on the detector is done before calling the function.

 USERWEIG          0.        0.        4.        0.        0.       0.
 *  Fluences and currents will be multiplied by a value returned by
 *  function FLUSCW according to the logic written by the user.
 *  The function will be called only for detectors to which the present
 *  score applies.

 USERWEIG          0.        0.        0.        0.        1.       0.
 *  Residual nuclei scoring will be possible by the subroutine USRRNC
 *  according to the logic written by the user.

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